Improve Your Smile with Veneers in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Veneers are a low-cost, easy way to spruce up your smile.

One low-maintenance, cost-effective way to create a perfect smile is with porcelain or composite tooth veneers. The cosmetic dentistry experts at Tanty Family Dentistry can discuss if veneers are the best option to improve your smile and answer your questions.

Get a brighter, more confident smile with our services - schedule your appointment now.

Porcelain and composite dental veneers in Waukesha, WI
Patient choosing dental veneers in Waukesha

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are porcelain or composite "shells" that are placed over the front of your teeth to hide any imperfections, such as chipping or discoloration. Dental veneers are known as a long-lasting alternative to teeth whitening and can last much longer. Call us for a free phone consultation to discuss the best option to brighten your smile.

Are Dental Veneers Permanent?

Veneers can be removed at any time to replace or repair damaged surfaces. However, the installation process involves removing enamel from your teeth. So while not technically permanent, installing veneers is usually not reversible.

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When to get Dental Veneers

  • Stained teeth: If your teeth are discolored or yellowed and traditional whitening methods haven't provided satisfactory results, veneers can effectively cover the stains and give you a brighter smile.
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding): Constant grinding can wear down the enamel of your teeth, leading to uneven surfaces and a worn appearance. Veneers can restore the shape and structure of your teeth while providing protection against further damage.
  • Chipped or broken teeth: Whether due to injury or natural wear and tear, chipped or broken teeth can detract from your smile's appearance and weaken your teeth. Veneers can conceal these imperfections and strengthen the affected teeth.
  • Malocclusion (Misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped teeth): If you're unhappy with the alignment or shape of your teeth, veneers offer a minimally invasive solution to achieve a straighter and more uniform smile without the need for orthodontic treatment.
  • Gap teeth: Small gaps between teeth, known as diastemas, can be a source of self-consciousness for many individuals. Veneers can close these gaps, creating a seamless and harmonious smile.


Types of Veneers

Porcelain Veneers Crafted from high-quality dental porcelain. Custom-made to match natural teeth. Highly durable and stain-resistant, lasting 10-15+ years.
Composite Resin Veneers Made from tooth-colored composite material. Applied directly onto tooth surface. More affordable option, lasts 5-7 years.
Lumineers Ultra-thin porcelain veneers requiring minimal tooth preparation. Provide a natural-looking appearance. Offer a reversible option for minor imperfections.
Snap-On Veneers (Removable) Non-invasive and temporary cosmetic solution. Made from durable resin material. Fit securely over existing teeth for instant transformation.


Permanently Whiten Your Smile at our Waukesha Dental Office

One of the biggest draws of tooth veneers is they maintain their color and can last for decades. Porcelain veneers won’t continue to discolor after your procedure and are incredibly durable once bonded. Tooth whitening, on the other hand, is more temporary, lasting an average of about six months. Tooth whitening involves bleaching teeth to break down discoloration, potentially increasing tooth sensitivity.


Dental Veneers in Waukesha, WIThe Process of Getting Veneers

First, your teeth will be measured or X-rayed in order to note any imperfections. Then, depending on whether you choose porcelain or composite, a mold of your teeth will be sent to a lab to create a mold or the resin will be applied to your teeth immediately. Finally, if you chose a porcelain veneer, you'll come back for a second visit to have your molded veneers fitted. If you chose composite, all you have to do is take good care of your teeth for a beautiful and long-lasting smile.

Porcelain Veneers vs. Composite Veneers

While both veneer options can improve your smile, consider these factors before choosing porcelain or composite veneers with a dentist. Porcelain veneers tend to be stronger than composite veneers but cost more. Porcelain veneers require the creation of a mold of your teeth and a second visit for fitting, whereas composite can be applied the same day. Porcelain veneers have the potential to last decades, while composite veneers typically last only 4 to 8 years and carry a greater risk of chipping. Composite veneers tend to stain or yellow like natural teeth, while porcelain veneers resist staining.


The Cost of Veneers in Wisconsin

The cost of getting veneers will vary by patient. Pricing depends on the number of teeth treated, the condition of your teeth and other outside factors. The average cost of veneers in Wisconsin is:

  • $200 - $1500 per tooth for composite veneers
  • $950 - $2500 per tooth for porcelain veneers

Call us for a free over-the-phone consultation for a more accurate estimate based on your specific case.

Contact our staff for emergency dental services, insurance-billing information or for more information on our services. Our offices in Waukesha serve clients from the surrounding communities including Big Bend, Brookfield, Genesee, New Berlin, SaylesvilleVernon, Wales, Wauwatosa, and beyond.

Schedule Appointment 262-542-8382
Patient choosing dental veneers in Waukesha

Dental Veneers FAQs

How much do veneers cost in Wisconsin?

On average, composite veneers will cost $200 to $1500 per tooth, while more permanent porcelain veneers will cost $950 to $2500 per tooth. The true cost of dental veneers depends on the condition of your teeth, which teeth you wish to cover and how many teeth you plan to cover. Visit Tanty Family Dental in Waukesha or call us for a free phone consultation to discuss the cost of your care.

How long do veneers last?

When properly cared for, porcelain veneers can last for decades. Composite veneers, on the other hand, will typically last around 4 to 8 years. Porcelain veneers are highly durable once bonded and will not stain or yellow, unlike composite veneers. If damage does occur, veneers are usually simple to replace or repair.

Can you whiten veneers?

Unlike your natural teeth, veneers cannot be whitened. Composite veneers can discolor or stain over time, but it is possible to remove much of this discoloration with frequent professional dental cleanings. Porcelain veneers resist discoloration, making them an attractive choice for patients chasing the brightest possible smile.

Can veneers fix an overbite?

Porcelain veneers can improve the look of your smile for patients with overbites or underbites. However, the best way to treat an overbite or underbite is with an orthodontic corrective procedure. Tanty Family Dental can assist patients with overbites or underbites with Invisalign or SureSmile clear aligners, a fantastic and discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Are veneers covered by dental insurance?

Installing dental veneers is considered a cosmetic dental procedure, which is typically not covered by most dental insurance plans. Patients can help pay for veneers with Care Credit payment plans over a period of 6, 12, 18 or 24 months.


Dental veneers correct look of your teeth

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