Dental Bonding Services For Waukesha, WI

Transform Your Smile with Safe, Effective, and Affordable Bonding Solutions

Are you self-conscious about chips, cracks, or gaps in your teeth? Do you long for a smile that's brighter and more even? If so, dental bonding might be the solution you've been looking for. Tanty Family Dental is eager to enhance your appearance with a minor cosmetic dental treatment - dental bonding.

This quick and non-invasive treatment involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material, known as composite resin, to your tooth. The resin is molded and shaped to match the natural contours of your teeth, creating a seamless and natural-looking smile. The material is then hardened with a special light and polished to blend in with the surrounding teeth. With proper care, your new smile can last for several years and be achieved in a single visit to our office.

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Waukesha Dentistry - Tooth Bonding
Fix Chipped Teeth Waukesha

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding, or tooth bonding, is a simple and non-invasive procedure involving applying a tooth-colored material to the surface of your teeth. The material, called composite resin, is carefully molded and shaped to match the natural contours of your teeth, giving you a seamless, natural-looking smile.

The Benefits of Dental Bonding Services at Tanty Family Dental

Dental bonding is an excellent option for people who want to improve the appearance of their smile without undergoing more extensive dental treatments. It's quick, affordable, and requires no anesthesia. And, because the material used in bonding is durable and stain-resistant, your new smile can last for many years with proper care.

  • Improves the appearance of teeth with chips, cracks, or gaps
  • Quick and non-invasive procedure
  • Uses a tooth-colored material for a natural-looking result
  • No need for anesthesia
  • More affordable than other cosmetic dental treatments
  • Durable and stain-resistant material
  • Can last for many years with proper care
  • Boosts confidence and enhances overall smile appearance
  • Offered by skilled and compassionate dental professionals at Tanty Family Dental.

So, if you're ready to boost your confidence and enjoy a beautiful smile, consider dental bonding at Tanty Family Dental. Our team of skilled and compassionate dental professionals will help you achieve the smile you've always wanted.

Understanding the Dental Bonding Procedure

The dental bonding procedure is generally quick and comfortable, taking 30-60 minutes per tooth. After the bonding material has been applied and hardened, you can expect your teeth to look and feel natural. It's important to remember that dental bonding is not as durable as other types of dental restorations and may need to be repaired or replaced over time. To maintain the results of your dental bonding, it's important to practice good oral hygiene and avoid habits that can cause damage, such as biting on hard objects or using tobacco products.Dental Bonding X-ray

Preparing for Your Bonding Appointment 

Before your bonding appointment, your dentist at Tanty Family Dental will thoroughly examine your teeth and discuss your goals and expectations for the treatment. If necessary, they may also take x-rays or impressions of your teeth to ensure a precise fit for the bonding material.

The Bonding Procedure

During the bonding procedure, your dentist will carefully clean and prepare your teeth, removing any surface stains or rough spots. They will then apply the composite resin to your teeth, molding and shaping it to match the natural contours of your teeth.

The material is then cured with a special light, which hardens it in place. Your dentist will then trim and polish the resin to give it a smooth and natural appearance, ensuring that it blends seamlessly with your other teeth.

After Your Bonding Procedure

After your bonding procedure, you can expect some sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures for a short period of time. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions for caring for your bonded teeth, including tips for maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding habits that can damage the bonding material.

With proper care, your new smile can last for many years. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings will help ensure that your bonding remains in good condition and continues to enhance your smile for years to come.

Caring for Your Bonded Teeth

By following these simple steps, you can keep your bonded teeth looking beautiful and healthy for many years to come. If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your bonded teeth, don't hesitate to ask your dentist at Tanty Family Dental.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential for preserving the appearance and longevity of your bonded teeth. Brush and floss regularly, and be sure to attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

Avoiding Habits that Can Damage the Bonding Material

To keep your bonded teeth looking their best, it's important to avoid habits that can damage the bonding material, such as biting your nails, chewing on ice, or using your teeth to open packages.

Protecting Your Bonded Teeth from Stains

Stains can dull the appearance of your bonded teeth over time. To keep your smile looking bright and beautiful, avoid foods and drinks that can cause stainings, such as red wine, coffee, and tea. If you do consume these items, be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water as soon as possible.

Cost of Dental Bonding at Tanty Family Dental

Overview of Pricing

The cost of dental bonding varies depending on the extent of the treatment and the type of bonding material used. Typically, the average cost per tooth in Wisconsin is $300 to $600.  At Tanty Family Dental, we offer affordable and competitive pricing for tooth bonding, and we will provide you with a detailed estimate of the cost of your treatment during your consultation. 

Payment Options

We understand that the cost of dental treatments can be a concern for many people. That's why we offer flexible payment options to make dental bonding more accessible. Our office accepts many dental insurance plans, and we also offer dental financing options for those who need them.

Insurance Coverage

Many insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of dental bonding, and we will be happy to help you determine your insurance coverage. If you have dental insurance, be sure to bring your insurance card to your appointment, and we will take care of the rest.

Don't let the cost of dental bonding keep you from achieving the smile you deserve. Contact Tanty Family Dental today to learn more about our affordable and accessible dental bonding services.

What Can Dental Bonding Treat?

Dental bonding can be used to repair chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, or to fill in gaps between teeth. It can also be used to change the shape or color of teeth or to protect the root of a tooth that has been exposed due to gum recession. Here are the types of conditions that dental and tooth bonding can fix:

    • Chipped teeth
    • Cracked teeth
    • Discolored teeth
    • Gaps between teeth
    • Misshapen teeth
    • Exposed roots due to gum recession

Contact our dental staff for more information about our dental bonding services, and insurance-billing information. Learn more about Tanty Family Dental - the best comprehensive dental clinic in Big Bend, Brookfield, Genesee, New Berlin, Pewaukee, Saylesville, Vernon, Wales, Waukesha, and Wauwatosa.

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Fix Chipped Teeth Waukesha

Dental Bonding FAQs

When should I get a dental bond?

Dental bonding works best for teeth that sustained minor injuries but have not yet started decaying. They can be used to close the space between two teeth. Dental bonds can change the shape of a tooth for cosmetic purposes and can improve the appearance of discolored teeth. You may want to talk to us to get an official diagnosis if you are thinking about dental bonding but are unsure if you need them.

How long does a dental bond last?

A dental bond usually can last between three and 10 years. To improve your dental bond's lifetime refrain from eating or chewing on hard objects such as ice to prevent chipping and breakage.

Does bonding damage your teeth?

Bonding does absolutely no damage to your teeth. While less durable than teeth and impermanent, dental bonds leave no lasting marks on your teeth once they are gone and will not affect the natural enamel of the teeth.

Do dental bonds stain teeth?

Dental bonds can stain over time just like teeth. Depending on the material used and your teeth they may stain at a faster or slower rate than your real teeth. Stains can be polished out, however, by a dentist.

How can I protect bonded teeth?

Caring for bonded teeth involves many of the same techniques that are necessary for regular oral care. Brush at least twice a day, floss daily, and schedule regular dental cleanings every six months. Further precautions include avoiding hard food, refraining from biting nails, and avoiding coffee and tobacco for 48 hours following the dental bonding.

Is dental bonding right for me?

Dental bonding is generally a good option for people who have minor cosmetic concerns with their teeth. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. If you have significant damage or decay, or if you want a more durable solution, other treatments such as veneers or crowns may be a better fit. Our team at Tanty Family Dental can help you determine the best treatment option for your specific needs and goals.

Is dental bonding painful?

Dental bonding is a minimally invasive procedure, and most patients report little to no discomfort during the treatment. Your dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb your teeth, reducing any potential discomfort.

Can dental bonding be used to fix chips or gaps in teeth?

Yes, dental bonding is an excellent option for people who want to fix chips, cracks, or gaps in their teeth. The composite resin used in bonding can be molded and shaped to match the natural contours of your teeth, giving you a seamless, natural-looking smile.

Can dental bonding be used to fix stained teeth?

Yes, dental bonding can be used to improve the appearance of stained teeth. The composite resin used in bonding can be matched to the color of your natural teeth, giving you a brighter and more even smile.

Is dental bonding right for me?

Dental bonding is an excellent option for people who want to improve the appearance of their smile without undergoing more extensive dental treatments. Your dentist at Tanty Family Dental can help you determine if bonding is the right choice for you based on your specific needs and goals.

How long does the bonding procedure take?

The length of the bonding procedure varies depending on the extent of the treatment, but most bonding appointments can be completed in one visit to our office. Your dentist will provide you with a more detailed timeline during your consultation.

Is dental bonding covered by insurance?

Many insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of dental bonding, and our office will be happy to help you determine your insurance coverage. If you have dental insurance, be sure to bring your insurance card to your appointment, and we will take care of the rest.

Can I eat and drink normally after the bonding procedure?

After the bonding procedure, you should avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods for at least 24 hours to allow the bonding material to be fully set. After that, you can eat and drink normally, taking care to avoid habits that can damage the bonding material, such as chewing on ice or biting your nails.

Waukesha Tooth Bondings

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